
Feasibility study for a spirulina production project in central Senegal


Senegal, together with its international partners, is looking for new value chains which, if developed and sustained, can benefit the rural population in terms of nutrition,
income and employment. Senegal's climate is characterized by high levels of sunshine and intensive radiation. Com-bined with the abundance of land that cannot be cultivated due to its excessive salt content, this climatic condition makes it a promising location for the production of micro-algae.

Kenia_Jugendbeschäftigung in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft im Westen Kenias

Die Reduzierung der Arbeitslosenquote Jugendlicher ist ein erklärtes Ziel der kenianischen Regierung, um der sozialen und ökonomischen Marginalisierung weiter Teile der jungen Generation entgegenzuwirken. Das Wirtschaftsklima in Kenia ist privatsektorfreundlich. Die Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft hat dabei aufgrund der Größe des Sektors, der Vielfalt und Differenzierung der WSK und einer hohen Arbeitsintensität bei steigender Nachfrage nach hochwertigen Lebensmitteln das größte Potenzial zur Schaffung von Einkommen und Arbeit für Jugendliche.

Aufgaben der Teamleitung

Côte d'Ivoire_Experts à court terme en transformation et/ou formation dans le secteur du cacao

La Côte d'Ivoire est le plus grand producteur de cacao au monde avec une part de marché de 41%. La Côte d'Ivoire est de loin le plus important fournisseur de cacao brut de l'Allemagne : en 2015, environ 57 % des importations totales de cacao provenaient de Côte d'Ivoire. Selon les estimations, avec jusqu'à 1,3 million de ménages, un tiers de la population dépend directement de la culture du cacao sur le plan économique. Plus de la moitié des petites exploitations agricoles vivent en dessous du seuil de pauvreté.

Botswana_Technical assistance to the implementation of the EPA support programme in Botswana

The economy is dominated by the mining sector, especially by diamonds, which account for about 16% of GDP (Statistics Botswana 2018 GDP Report), represent over 80% of exports and about 30% of government revenues. While not significant in terms of GDP (2% at current prices in 2018), agriculture is the main source of livelihood for over 80% of the total population livestock farming is particularly important, with a cattle population estimated at 2.55 million heads.

Botswana_Technical assistance to the implementation of the EPA support programme in Botswana

The economy is dominated by the mining sector, especially by diamonds, which account for about 16% of GDP (Statistics Botswana 2018 GDP Report), represent over 80% of exports and about 30% of government revenues. While not significant in terms of GDP (2% at current prices in 2018), agriculture is the main source of livelihood for over 80% of the total population livestock farming is particularly important, with a cattle population estimated at 2.55 million heads.


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