Support to the Maison de l'Entreprise du Burkina Faso (MEBF) in scaling up SME Loop in Burkina Faso

In West Africa, Burkina Faso is one of the countries selected for the implementation of the Green Innovation Centres Project (ProCIV), which operates in the Hauts-Bassins, Cascades, Boucle du Mouhoun and South-West regions, mainly in the sesame and rice value chains (CVA).

ProCIV is an innovation accelerator, contributing to the attractiveness of the rural world by building long-lasting partnerships between autonomous actors in agricultural value chains. The project aims to identify and disseminate "innovations in the agricultural and food sectors that have contributed to sustainable rural development in selected rural areas".

The achievement of this objective requires the operationalization of six major themes:

1.            Strengthening of agricultural producers;

2.           Support to the private sector;

3.           Access to services and information;

4.           Institutional strengthening;

5.           Testing and validation of innovations;

6.           Advocacy and communication