Additional support to the sectoral reform agreement, “Food and nutritional security and sustainable agricultural development (CRS-SANAD)”

Objective: Support government efforts to eradicate poverty, promote sustainable and inclusive growth, and consolidate and improve democratic and economic governance.

Specific objectives:

  1. Promote sectoral policies and reforms.
  2. Strengthen governance on the sectoral level.
  3. Respond to the population’s essential needs through improving access to services in the areas of sustainable agriculture, and food and nutritional security.


1.     Governance on the sectoral level is strengthened.

2.     The supply of public services is improved.

3.     Geographic and gender disparities are reduced.

Support provided to HC3N, as well as to the co-leaders and the steering committee:

  • Methodological and technical support
  • Support to the steering, monitoring, and reporting
  • Support to capacity building in terms of project management.