
Sahel Irrigation Initiative - capacity building and knowledge management

The Projects aims to define a capacity building programme and a knowledge management programme in close coordination with the Task Force, Thematic Working Groups, National Focal Points, National consultants and other Thematic Consultants following a participatory process with all actors.

Services provided are divided into 2 blocs, each one organised in 3 steps.

 ► Bloc 1: Capacity Building

Sahel Irrigation Initiative – Lead Analytical Consultant

The objective of the consultancy is to carry out the necessary analyses to draft the Strategic Framework (SF), the Global Action Plan (GAP) and the Regional Project Document (RPD) to prepare the provisional and definitive versions of these documents, working closely with the Task Force and the thematic Working Groups, the National Focal Points and National Consultants and the various Thematic Consultants in the context of a participatory process with all stakeholders.


The provision of services is divided into the three stages:

Ghana Agricultural Sector Investment Programme (GASIP)

The Government of the Republic of Ghana has applied for funds from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) to implement the Ghana Agricultural Sector Investment Programme (GASIP). The Programme provides a framework for a long-term financing engagement for private sector-led, pro-poor agricultural value chain development in Ghana. The objective of the programme is to contribute to sustainable poverty reduction in rural Ghana, ensuring that agribusinesses – including smallholders – increase their profitability and resilience to climate change.

Improve Access to Financial Services in Rural Areas


Building on CGAPs global API experience, the objectives of each API project are to:

1. Introduce the principles of human-centered design to the branchless banking provider and identify insights on how the process of HCD can work most effectively in the context of smallholder farmers;
2. Identify insights into the financial services needs of smallholder families (including needs not related to agricultural production) and how effectively those needs are currently being met;

Assistance technique au programme d'appui de l'Union européenne à la mise en œuvre du plan gouvernemental pour l'égalité

Cette mission d'assistance technique vise à soutenir le programme d'appui à la mise en oeuvre du plangouvernemental pour l'égalité au Maroc à travers la fourniture de services d'expertise long terme et court terme,le développement d'études, diagnostics, évaluations, enquêtes, etc., l'édition et la publication de différentslivrables ainsi que l'organisation d'événements (séminaires, conférences, conférences de presse, ateliers).

Développement du secteur privé (PADSP)

 Le Ministère du Développement, de l’Analyse Economique et de la Prospective (MDAEP) a reçu un concours financier de l’Union Européenne (UE) et de l’Agence Française de Développement (AFD), et a l’intention d’utiliser ce concours financier pour effectuer les paiements au titre du contrat relatif au recrutement d’un Cabinet pour l’assister dans la mise en oeuvre du Projet d’Appui au développement du secteur privé (PADSP).

Ce projet d’une durée initiale de cinq (05) ans est organisé en quatre composantes :

Projet Promotion d’une Agriculture Durable et du Développement Rural (PAD)

Le projet PAD, en coopération avec le MA, notamment l’Agence de Vulgarisation et de Formation Agricole (AVFA), envisage l’élaboration d’un référentiel du Développement d’une Agriculture Durable (DAD) en Tunisie.

Ce référentiel a l’objectif de poser la base d’un DAD en Tunisie, de sensibiliser les acteurs dans le secteur agricole, établir et initier un dialogue national, structurer les discussions sur ce thème, introduire des nouvelles techniques, concepts, approches, méthodes et conclusions actuelles, et donner une orientation vers la pratique.

Sustainable Economic Development Programme / Unit 1 “Financial Sector Reform” and Unit 2 “Reform of Institutional and Legal Framework” Phases I+II

The regulative and institutional framework for SMME in Nigeria especially the access to financial services is still insufficient. The Nigerian development strategy VISION 2020 aims to especially support the private sector as motor of economic development whereas the reform of the financial system should improve reform progress.

The sustainable Economic development Programme aims at improving the framework for business and investment activities of SMME and their access to resources and markets.

Sustainable Economic Development Programme (SEDIN)/ Intervention Area 3: “Development of agricultural and non-agricultural value chains”

The overall objective of the SEDIN is to suport the establishment of framework conditions for business and investment activities of MSMEs, in particular their access to markets and resources and their contribution to income and employment.

Services provided included:

Territorial approach to adaptation to climate change in the North-East of Kenya

The main purpose of the project is to secure livelihoods of pastoralists, agro-pastoralists and settled inhabitants in the arid and semi-arid north-east and to improve food security and resilience against the effects of climate change through the development and implementation of mid- to long term adaption-strategies.

The project implements capacity building in the following four fields of activity:


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