Pro-poor Growth and Promotion of Employment in Nigeria- Creating business development opportunities through entrepreneurship training and coaching measures in Lagos and Edo State



The overall context of the consultancy is provided by the programme "Pro-poor Growth and Pro-motion of Employment in Nigeria” – SEDIN. SEDIN responds to the high un- and underemploy-ment in Nigeria. Acknowledging the central role of micro, small and medium sized enterprises (MSMEs) in employment creation, SEDIN aims at improving the employment and income situa-tion of MSME by improving the business enabling environment, increasing access to financial and business services, enhancing entrepreneurial and management skills, and strengthening MSME in selected value chains (cassava, rice, potatoes, tomato/chili, ginger, housing, leather goods and clothing).

Specific Context:

The specific context of the consultancy is a commission of the German Government under its “returning to new opportunities programme” (Programm Perspektive Heimat - PPH). PPH facili-tates the reintegration of returnees (especially from Germany) into the labour markets and socie-ties of their countries of origin.
The intervention areas of the reintegration measures are vocational qualification, employment promotion, business start-ups and (psycho-) social support. This in-cludes the employment of persons both as employees and as self-employed individuals in order to secure their livelihoods. PPH commissions have been provided to various GIZ programmes that are coordinated through the Migration & Employment Coordination Committee (MEC) of the GIZ Cluster for Sustainable Economic Development (SEDEC). These programmes are the "Pro-gramme Migration for Development" (PME), the programme Skills Development for Youth Em-ployment (SKYE) and SEDIN. 
Under the PPH commission, SEDIN will expand activities to migration-affected regions, especially to Edo and Lagos States. The activities will focus on creating business and employment opportu-nities, in general, and supporting business start-ups of returning migrants, IDPs and young em-ployment-seekers, in particular. 

Overall, it is expected that the programme will improve the starting opportunities of 5,000 and the financial literacy of 50,000 young people and marginalised groups, including returnees and IDPs. Furthermore, it is expected that start-up courses are institutionalised in three organisations.