Promoting the ValueLinks approach in Benin


Promoting the ValueLinks approach in Benin

Since 2011, AFC Consultants International and IDC have been working together to implement Component 2 of the GIZ Programme for the Promotion of Agriculture (ProAGRI) in Benin. The component focuses on providing political support to the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Fisheries and training on the value chain approach. During the last period of the project between January and May 2014, important activities were undertaken for further embedding the value chain approach in Benin.

In January a TOT-workshop took place with altogether 17 participants. This was the first ValueLinks TOT workshop fully realized by only national trainers. The workshop lasted five days. Besides class room presentations, it also included practical exercises for the participants and a field visit which allowed discussion with actors at different steps of the value chain (producers, traders etc.).

The qualification system for ValueLinks trainers, which has been introduced in Benin within the framework of ProAGRI, requires (after participation in an introductory ValueLinks workshop) active participation in a TOT-workshop. For becoming a qualified ValueLinks trainer, three introductory ValueLinks  workshops (each of 5 days duration) have to be moderated afterwards under the guidance and supervision of a qualified and experienced trainer.

During the months of February up to April of this year four introductory ValueLinks workshops have been organized with around 90 participants. These workshops did not only allow the further dissemination of the ValueLinks approach within Benin, but they also offered the opportunity to qualify two additional trainers, as large demand for ValueLinks workshops exists all over the country.

The qualification of these (female) trainers enabled the creation of two trainer teams, one for the southern part and one for the northern part of the country. These newly qualified trainers will work under the guidance of two very experienced ValueLinks trainers and in this way they can further deepen their practical experience and knowledge.

For more details, please contact Ms Holly Hufnagel

Holly.Hufnagel [at]