Extension videos to improve mango production in Ghana


Since 2009 AFC is supporting the GIZ “Market Oriented Agriculture Programme (MOAP)” in Ghana in the field of building the capacity of service providers along the mango, pineapple, citrus and maize value chain. In this context, AFC has recently produced three extension videos on the size management and adequate pruning techniques of mango trees. The films aim at changing the mind set of farmers and make them understand that small and well pruned trees make it easier to manage orchards and at the same time increase quality, productivity and profitability, thus leading to better market access, both nationally and internationally. The videos are shown directly in the field to farmers and farm workers with small, battery-run projectors and complement related training modules that have been developed in the Competency Based Training format. Check it out:

Why to prune: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXzpjZA38N0

How to prune: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zh1AnvNa6mc

Pruning Tools: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UV5T6aTx6Ms

For further details please contact

Matthias.Webendoerfer [at] afci.de