Asia (excl. CIS)

Financial Sector Development in Central and Western Asia

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has long supported financial sector development in its developing member countries in Central and West Asia. This support has focused on improving the sector’s institutional, legal, and regulatory framework, through technical assistance, program loans, and other lending modalities. The global financial crisis has demonstrated the growing relevance of and demand for ADB assistance in the area of advisory support, training, and access to credit to support economic growth.

Regional Economic Development

Ziel des Projektes "Regional Economic Development" ist: " die Bedingungen für eine Dynamisierung der regionalen Wirtschaft bei nachhaltiger Nutzung lokaler Ressourcen sind in den Programmregionen verbessert." Durch die Stärkung von Regierungsinstitutionen, Business Development Service Providers (BDSP) und Finanzdienstleister auf zentraler und regionaler (aimag) Ebene sowie durch Capacity Development und die Einrichtung eines “credit guarantee fonds” um durch diesen Beitrag die regionale Wirtschaft zu fördern, soll das Zeil des Projektes erreicht werden.

High Mountain Agribusiness and Livelihood Improvement (HIMALI) Project - Agribusiness Capacity Development

The project will seek to reduce poverty in highland areas, by improving income, employment opportunities and the nutritional status of poor farm families and women in particular; and by increasing the productivity of the livestock subsector. The Agribusiness Capacity Development consultant will provide an agribusiness capacity development team comprising of three national experts.

Strengthening Participatory Irrigation Management and Project Management Capacity in Qinghai Province

During the 2009 country programming mission, the Government of the People's Republic of China (PRC) requested technical assistance (TA) from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to strengthen participatory irrigation management (PIM) and project management capacity in Qinghai Province. The TA will complement the proposed Qinghai Rural Water Resources Management Project, which is scheduled for Board consideration in 2011. The TA is expected to play a crucial role in expediting irrigation management reforms and promoting monitoring and evaluation capacity development in Qinghai Province.

Strengthening Participatory Irrigation Management and Project Management Capacity in Qinghai Province

During the 2009 country programming mission, the Government of the People's Republic of China (PRC) requested technical assistance (TA) from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to strengthen participatory irrigation management (PIM) and project management capacity in Qinghai Province. The TA will complement the proposed Qinghai Rural Water Resources Management Project, which is scheduled for Board consideration in 2011. The TA is expected to play a crucial role in expediting irrigation management reforms and promoting monitoring and evaluation capacity development in Qinghai Province.

Strengthening Participatory Irrigation Management and Project Management Capacity in Qinghai Province

During the 2009 country programming mission, the Government of the People's Republic of China (PRC) requested technical assistance (TA) from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to strengthen participatory irrigation management (PIM) and project management capacity in Qinghai Province. The TA will complement the proposed Qinghai Rural Water Resources Management Project, which is scheduled for Board consideration in 2011. The TA is expected to play a crucial role in expediting irrigation management reforms and promoting monitoring and evaluation capacity development in Qinghai Province.

Ningxia Dryland Farming and Water Conservation Demonstration Project

The consultants should both have graduate degree in a social science (anthropology, sociology, or other relevant academic qualification). Extensive experience in social assessment, poverty analysis, and gender analysis is essential, as is familiarity with qualitative and quantitative methodology. Experience in designing resettlement plans and ethnic minority development plans (EMDPs) and/or indigenous peoples’ plans for ADB- or World Bank-financed projects in the PRC is necessary.


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