Energy Efficiency Showcase Series

Especially in regions where Energy Efficiency (EE) and Renewable Energy (RE) sectors are in an early stage, awareness raising activities are of great value. These kinds of activities are of importance not only on the level of the ultimate target group but also at the level of Financial Institutions (FIs) that are confronted with the task of developing appropriate products, identifying eligible clients, and defining the benefits of investments into EE measures. Against this background, the TAF developed a concept which helps Financial Institutions and their clients to recognize the advantages of EE investments, the “EE Showcase Project”.

The Project focused on Financial Institutions (FIs) which showed interest in introducing EE lending, but either have no experience with EE lending, or have not been successful in introducing EE lending previously and are attempting a new approach. Particularly, the project aimed at

  • assisting FIs in better understanding the benefits of EE lending.
  • better understanding the EE potential of the FI’s existing lending portfolios.
  • assisting the FI in discovering the areas in which their existing clients (as well as potential clients) have the possibility to save energy and thus showing that the clients and the market hold potential interest for future EE lending activities of the respective FI.
  • supporting the FI in getting an idea on how to determine costs, return and payback periods of potential EE investments, which are real and actually existing.
  • assisting selected SME clients of the FI in understanding their energy and cost saving potential through EE investments and thereby potential to increase their profitability. For that, energy audits with SME client were conducted.